Press Release

Unleash the joy of music creativity and stop ‘doom scrolling’

Free Music Collaboration App, Djaminn, Empowers Musicians to Create, Collaborate, and Connect in a Social Music Experience

Unleash the joy of music creativity and stop ‘doom scrolling’

[Amsterdam, 05 July 2023] – Djaminn has launched a free, innovative music creation app for iOS and Android. Socially focused and video based, artists make songs together, breaking the fourth wall by turning musicians into active collaborators. Unlike traditional platforms, where content is passively consumed (so called ‘doom scrolling’), Djaminn enables musicians to add their talent to songs they like.


The downsides of endlessly scrolling through Instagram or TikTok are well known. Musicians can find themselves disconnected and there is limited engagement, plus established artists feel unobtainable or out of reach. Djaminn allows artists to go immediately from being inspired to pressing the record button – adding their voice to the songs that they love.


Djaminn is a free-to-use app to allow musicians of all levels from all over the world to connect and find joy in creating music together. Djaminn is hyper focused on a simple premise – add to songs that inspire you. This is done through a familiar, easy-to-use interface, in a community of musicians from around the world. Creating songs is now a social, joyful process. 


“Djaminn is made by musicians, for musicians,” said Marc Kubbinga, keyboardist, and the visionary behind Djaminn. “As songwriters, singers or musicians this will massively open up your world. You can start a song on the platform, and other artists add the parts you cannot play. Artists often lack the talent or inspiration to create what they can hear in their heads. Whether it is drums, keys, or vocals, it feels great to have real musicians add to your song. Your song improves in ways you hadn’t imagined or could never achieve alone.”


“Djaminn was designed to empower musicians,” said Joe Broadbent, the creative director of Djaminn. “Our platform is built with all the learnings from social, and music platforms. It’s a bit like Github meets TikTok. It is important to us that Djaminn remains free to the average user. We want to encourage as many musicians as possible to go beyond ‘likes’, and instead focus on being inspired to create, collaborate and build a meaningful audience network of real musicians.”


Download Djaminn for free, for iOS and Android, at Join the movement and break free from the limitations of traditional social media.


For further information, please contact Joe Broadbent at